Lady Viola
JoinedPosts by Lady Viola
Netherlands Memorial Attendance 2009/2010
by Designer Stubble ingood news!.
the dutch kingdom ministry shows the following statement:.
this year (2010) 43.372 persons attended the memorial, 100 persons took of the symbols.. the 2009 attendance figure was 51.578.. this means that 8.206 went missing in one single year, a plunge of 16%.. i get the impression that the partakes figure is going up as they now avoid the term "annointed".. .
Should Immigrants Be Made To Learn English If They're Living In The USA?
by minimus inwhaddya think?
Lady Viola
@Emma where does your daughter live?
I'm from the Netherlands myself and I have seen the schoolbooks for the immigrants to learn Dutch and it's very difficult! This is a new law that everybody should learn to speak Dutch when they come and live in the country. I think this is like this since '98. But.... a lot of people came here in the '60's (turkish workers) and although the men speak Dutch the wives on the other hand... a lot of times they can't speak a word of Dutch. They just point to things at the market of use their children as a interpretor.
All Dutch children learn to speak English from the age of 10 in school and in High School also German and French. Still don't understand the German classes though, do they speak Dutch? Exactly... I refused to speak German when I worked for a tourist information desk a few years ago. The man was talking German to me and I replied all his questions in English. So funny... :-P
When I moved to England I spoke the language, but had a lot of problems with the Wigan accent for a month or so. ;-)
Should Immigrants Be Made To Learn English If They're Living In The USA?
by minimus inwhaddya think?
Lady Viola
Does this mean that Americans are going to learn English as well?
Have You Guys Heard of "JW-tube"-Like You Tube For JWs?
by Justitia Themis in.
Lady Viola
That's SO against the FDS rules!!! I'm in SHOCK!
by St George of England inso the wts finally got around to writing about him in the november 15, 2010 watchtower.
if you read about his "sincere interest in others was shown by his deep concern that all be treated fairly and mercifully", you may think they have the wrong person!.
Lady Viola
Do you have a scan? I don't see it on JW. org yet
Finally finished the Generation of 1914 shirt people have asked me to do...
by Tuesday init's not the exact design that someone shot me, i thought of a take off of another famous commercial to make the shirt a bit funnier i think.
but let me know what you think if you want to buy one or whatever, if anyone wants the design to the demonized smurf shirt let me know and i can e-mail it to you as well.. without further ado here is "the generation of 1914... it keeps going...and going...and going...and going...and going...".
Lady Viola
Very funny!
New Apostate here
by skitt ini did not know where to start, but figured the personal experience section was a good place to begin.
won't bore you with all the particulars today....but i was raised in "it" (wont call it the truth, cause it ain't) from about 1968. baptized in 1985, faded about 2001.....woke up from the insanity after reading ray franz forbidden book a few years ago(crisis).
only sorry i did not read it earlier....but there was that fear factor instilled in me.
Lady Viola
Studying my faith away
by the-illuminator81 ini want to introduce myself.
i'm a 28 year old active, married jw from belgium.
in the preceding months (i'd say starting from about march) i've been slowly losing my faith.
Lady Viola
Welcome neighbor! (of kan ik beter zeggen: welkom! ;))
I sooo understand what you're going through. I am trying to fade as well, but it is very hard. As said before, it is hard if you're from a die-hard dub-family, and I am. I never missed a meeting, was always the one with a lot of answers (one time I didn't answer and afterwards a few came to me to ask if there was something wrong.) during the WT etc. I haven't been in the ministry for 6 months now, but still gave in my hours-slip (just made up the hours), but haven't done this for july now.
I did go to the convention, but haven't been to the meetings in a while now. I think that my latest meeting was 18th July.
I have been studying about the WTS since the KM of november 2007, but after reading CoC in the Summer last year, I was convinced that I should leave this organisation. Since then I have been visiting website and forums and read ISoCF, The Gentile Times reconsidered, lot of other 'religious' books, such as 'Pauls Idea of Community' that was very eye-opening about the early day 'churches' and 'gatherings'.
I also started my own company in January this year, but it wasn't the best of timing I'm afraid. I'm very very depressed about all the things that are happening and heading towards a burn-out. I have panicattacks, cry a lot and really just want to stay under the covers all day. I am ill for a few weeks now, and it is really hurting my body, because I can't seem to get out of this flu. Sometimes I can't even make myself going out... Don't know why. I really need to search for help. My dad also had a stroke in December and I really don't want to leave my parents alone. I am also afraid that if I would get disfellowshipped my dad would get another stroke and I couldn't live with myself if that happens.
My husband has never been a person that would study the Bible and the publications as I do, so he understands what I say and is now not in the mood to go to the meetings either. He really can't be bothered. But as I have problems with my consience going to the meetings (sometimes I can't breath because of all the things I hear and have to go to the toilets to have a drink or put my head against the cold tiles) he doesn't understand this. If I say something about a doctrine change he would reply 'oh what did we believe before this change then?' And I think a lot of people of our age are like that. Like the new DVD, i was laughing my head off, but I know for a fact that a lot of friends of mine think it is a wonderful DVD and take it all in as truth. They never have even read the JW'book. I think I am the only geek that read it as an active dub.
And the worst thing is that I feel guilt, guilt, guilt... It is like a second nature growing up in this cult and it is not going away. Especially when people sent me postcards etc. because they think I am ill (which is true, but still...).
I tried to talk to my parents about it, but I can't get into their heads. Its so strange, they don't see it! Or they just don't want to see my problem. They invite me over for a meal or a nice gathering with friends from the cong. and they think the problem is gone. They don't understand that my problem is not with the 'people' but with the 'organisation'. I don't have the illusion that they will ever understand it. My dad is a witness since the 60's and my mum got baptised in '80. Their whole life IS the organisation.
I feel sad and lost.
DVD "JW's Faith In Action, part 1 Out of Darkness" Omits! Omits! Omits!
by Wasanelder Once ini've been watching the new dvd and it is a bull fest about russell.
i haven't even gotten half way and they already excluded one very important bit of information.
you'll recall that russell "lost" his faith and "turning away from church creeds and searching for truth, russell examined some leading oriental religions, only to find these unsatisfying".
Lady Viola
I'm a bit late, but I would love to receive the link as well.
Thank you so much in advance!
Woman Pastor - Awake
by Lady Viola inin the latest km i read something about the latest awake topic: 'what does god think of women pastors' or something like that.
i asked for the latest awake, but it wasn't available yet (dutch) in our hall.
who has seen this awake and want to upload it for us all?
Lady Viola
And no women in the GB, although there are a lot of women part of the 'Slave Class'... What is up with that?